4 months post op! 

Today we are 4 months post op! It’s so exciting that Lincoln did so well while out there and is now thriving at home! I can not believe this is my life. Every single day that we are not in hospital is the best day of my life. Now that things have settled down with Lincoln, I can’t help but look back on all of our trails and tribulations. When we brought Lincoln home, he was on continuous oxygen, a feeding pump with that little ng tube taped to his face and his monitor always connected to his little foot. Every set of footed pajamas had holes in them for his pulse ox chord to come out of. I couldn’t hold Lincoln and spin around in a circle or he’d get all tangled in his tubes and monitor. I couldn’t cradle him in my arms or bounce him on my knees without him desaturating. He lived laying on his belly, on a pillow.
I declined most help offered and I regret it now. I was always afraid and sad most days. I loved Lincoln so much and was terrified to lose him. Although that is in the past, I know life can always be that way again— so on the days he is pouring cereal on the floor or refusing pants I try and remember how lucky I am to be able to do those things. My life isn’t over as I once believed. We have so many people to thank for it. All of the people that donated to us to get Lincoln to Minnesota for his first surgery, our team of doctors at CHOP and The Mayo Clinic, Dr.Dearani, our surgeon and all of the nurses that deal with Scott and I! I can never give enough thanks, I am a different person because of you! I feel like the richest person in the world to have two babies breathing, eating, walking and talking on their own and I couldn’t have done this on my own.

So here’s to Lincoln! 4 months post open heart surgery. We couldn’t be more proud of your courage! 

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