Lincoln’s 4th Heartiversary!


Four years ago Lincoln had his first open heart surgery. It’s hard to believe! The memories of being in Minnesota are still so fresh. The endless SVT, the external pacing wires we used more often than I ever anticipated, the Ronald Mcdonald house. It was the most challenging and scariest time of my life. I will never get over hearing the team tell me how unstable he was while in the OR,  watching him get Adenosine so many times, watching him being shocked or the look on his face before he’d get an IPV treatment. It was awful. And just a year later he’d  have to do it all again with another open heart surgery.

He’s come along way since then. He graduated from early intervention. We’ve been to Disney world 3 times! He’s gotten 2 sisters and he finished his first year of pre school! Lincoln is an incredible human being. He lights up a room and will keep you entertained for days.

Lincoln just had his Cardiology appointment at CHOP ( which he still has to go every 4-6 months) they think his current valve will last a few more years before he needs another replacement which is what the surgeon, Dr.Dearani predicted. (He currently has a porcine valve in the place of his tricuspid valve and the bi directional Glenn) The next echo I’ll have sent to Dr.Dearani just to make sure he is still happy with how the valve looks.

I thank my lucky stars every day for modern technology, our teams in Minnesota and CHOP and our family’s support. Especially my mom who we had trained on taking blood sugars, administering oxygen and monitoring the pulse ox. I also think about all the people who donated to help us get to Minnesota the first time. We wouldn’t have made It there without it and Scott and I will be forever grateful 💕

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